5 July 2017



This year Design School Kolding celebrates its 50th anniversary and on this occasion an eye opening design exhibition is held at the Danish museum "Koldinghus". The exhibition is called "Beyond Icons" and runs from 1 June until 22 October 2017.

The exhibition highlights all the designs that normally go unnoticed, but which have played a vital role in shaping Denmark as a design society. A society where design is so integrated that we sometimes tend to forget that it's there. Many of the products designed and developed in the medical textile area are in this category. For Tytex this exhibition is of particular importance and interest, as the Corsinel Ostomy Support Underwear has been appointed for display.

In order to get some exciting and versatile suggestions for good design, Design School Kolding asked a number of interesting personages: designers, users, politicians, artists, scientists and business people to act as guest curators and choose their favourite design. Head of Design School Kolding, Mrs. Elsebeth Gerner Nielsen (former Danish Minister for Culture), appointed the Corsinel ostomy pant with i.a. the following grounds:

”Serious chronic diseases reduce quality of life. It is therefore encouraging to experience how designers can shape aesthetic and functional solutions that can help people to continue an active life and thus staying part of the community. The designer's empathy, user insight, materials knowledge and eye for aesthetics make all the difference between the solution that just works and the solution that is meaningful.”

As a company in the healthcare business, this is what we at Tytex strive to comply with in every design we make. And we are proud that the good co-operation we had back in 2004 with the design team behind the first Corsinel Ostomy Support Underwear, fashion designer Anette Meyer and textile designer Astrid Krogh in collaboration with Coloplast turned out such a great success back then - and that we have been able to build on this success.

This is the way we still work with our business partners on their development projects: A joint co-operation with the customer involving designers, textile developers, medical professionals and users.

Extract from the book published for the exhibition "Beyond Icons"

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